Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Potty Trained and Potty Party!

I am now ready to say that Luke is officially potty trained. YEEEEEEEEEEHHHHHAWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!

I was looking for two specific things to be consistent before I was ready to officially deem him potty trained: (Ready for this – I know you’ll be shocked at my potty training criteria!) =)

1. Consistently* going #1 in the potty

2. Consistently* going #2 in the potty

*(By “consistently” I mean doing this for 7 days straight without regression. Accidents are accidents, and they didn’t really count in this. However, if he knowingly went potty in his pants or diaper, I started my day count over.)

Now, Luke has had minimal accidents. In fact, I can count that number of accidents on one hand (and believe me, I know how lucky I am to be able to say that.) After the first few days of training in January, he pretty much had the #1 part down. He quickly progressed to the big potty and all was good.

Our biggest problem was him going #2 in his diaper in the morning (or sometimes in bed at night) before he was changed into his big boy pants. (We still put Luke in a diaper right before bed at night – his bladder isn’t quite ready to go all night long yet.) So though he’s been doing fantastic going #1 in the potty for quite some time now – and he had been doing moderate going #2, I still wanted to see the habit of going #2 in the potty consistently formed before calling him potty trained. I am pleased to say he has now been going #2 in the potty for almost 2 weeks straight now – without any dirty diapers! YEEHAWW!!!

We had told Luke from the beginning that when he was potty trained, we would give him a potty party and a toy. In the middle of the whole process, we also threw in Chuck E. Cheese for additional motivation.

Yesterday he finally earned the end goal! He was super excited to be going to Chucky Cheese for the first time. Later that day he got a few toys and a book (thank you Uncle Randy and Aunt Jamie for the cute book!) and cupcakes for dessert. We were very very proud of him!

On the way to Chuck E. Cheese!

They were a little overwhelmed at first, but it didn't take long until they were all over the place.

Way to go Luke!

Will peeking out of the play area.

They loved these little games, this was their favorite.

Down the slide!

Taking a ride with Chuck E.

Luke loves air hockey!


Will attempting a shooting game.


Fun times!

This is as close as Will would get to this huge mechanical rat, er it a rat or a mouse?

Luke wanted these very specific space toys...he picked them out a LONG time ago...and we bought them a long time ago, it was nice to finally be able to give them to him.

Yummy cupcakes!

Julianne enjoying the fun too!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yay Luke! Don't stress about nighttime, Min. It took Jamie almost 6 months past daytime potty trained to be nighttime potty trained. It's pretty typical for it to take a while longer. He'll just get it one day. :-) Way to go, Mama, too! Miss you guys!
