Sunday, November 01, 2009

Happy Halloween!

I promise I have an update in the works. I even have it all's the uploading pictures that's slowing me down. In the meantime, here is a more recent post...Halloween!

The boys were cowboys for Halloween. I have to admit I wanted them to be cowboys so we could buy them cowboy boots.=) Since Luke seemed to be on board with being a cowboy…and Will didn’t care either way, we went ahead and deemed them cowboys for Halloween.

The boys were excited to get in their costumes and get candy! We participated in the Trunk-or-Treat event at our church (this is where you decorate the trunk of your car and pass out candy in the parking lot.) Since the boys were cowboys, we had planned to make our mini-van into a covered wagon. We had a fake fire in front with a pot of candy “cooking” over the fire. Out of the “wagon”, we were serving chili. Well, it all worked except for the covered wagon decorations…the wind was too strong for the cover of our covered wagon…but we still served the chili (and candy of course) and people seemed ok with that. =)

The boys enjoyed going around to all the other cars in the parking lot and filling their little pumpkin buckets with candy. They also got to enjoy hot dogs and a hay ride. All in all, it was a fun Halloween!

Will insisted on putting on his Nemo swim's all the rage in cowboy fashions!

Here is his completed costume...

We went to Uncle Joe and Aunt Marge's house as well as our good friends Mr. Ron and Ms. Joyce's house before we headed over to the church for Trunk-or-Treat. The boys were excited to get candy! They had to sit down and eat the very first piece right away!

Cowboy Luke with Cowboy Uncle Joe!

These are some serious cowboys!
Howdy partner!

A cowboy and his horse...

"Home, home on the Range..."

I'll take any excuse to dress up. I went along with the theme and dressed up as a cowgirl!


Chris didn't really dress up (he was the "cook" of our chuck wagon and served up the chili to those who visited our campfire...) However, I do have an evil expression that seems appropriate to post for a Halloween post…

Chris and Randy posing at Trunk-or-Treat...

We are ready to pass out some candy!

Cook and Cowgirl...

I forgot to get a picture of our little campfire with the candy pot. Whoops!
The boys had a great time on the hayride!

Posing in front of the BIG frog!

Eating some grub...

More pictures in front of the frog...

Luke wanted to try on my wig after we got home. I think we'll keep his hair short!


Annie said...

Oh my goodness Mindy you are the cutest cowgirl! I love the wig LOL
And your little precious!
Looks like ya'll had a rootin' tootin' good time!

Jenny said...

I was just thinking the same thing, Annie! You guys look great - and mostly I just love pictures of the 4 of you doing normal stuff together! Yeehaw! Miss you guys!
