Saturday, March 21, 2009

Meeting Julianne

Last Sunday, Luke and Will were able to meet their new cousin! We dropped by the hospital after church. Luke was very excited and very sweet with Julianne. He held her (with help of course) and said to her in his very sweet voice, "you're fine, don't cry...she's soft..." He loved touching her head and giving her kisses. He was extremely gentle and loving and it was SO sweet!

Will wasn't really sure what to think. He was super tired from missing his morning nap...and I think he's still a bit young to completely understand what's going on. It won't be long until Julianne and him are the best of buds though.

Tonight, Julianne got to "meet" Uncle Chris for the first time. We set up a time Chris could webcam and Randy and Jamie were able to show off their new bundle of joy! Chris was very happy to get to meet her...even though half the world separates him from seeing and holding her in person. He'll be anxious to get his turn when he comes back on block leave sometime this summer.

I am in dire need to update more...but it'll have to's almost midnight and I'm super tired. I have lots of projects going right now - so things have been very busy. Will seems to have hit a growth spurt - which has made for some long nights and extra nursing sessions (just when I thought he was getting close to being weaned!!) These two things combined equals a brain that just doesn't function right at this hour. So hopefully soon...hopefully...I know I always say that and never come through...=)

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