Tuesday, March 17, 2009


Anyone up for helping me with a man-on-the-street video project? It's super easy - all you have to do is answer four opinion type questions with brief, short n' sweet answers. All answers given will be signed as anonymous in the video, so no names will be used. So if you have a few spare seconds, I would really really appreciate your thoughts! =)


1. If you could ask God to do ANYTHING for you, what would it be?

2. If you could do anything for mankind, what would it be?

3. Who has been your biggest inspiration? Why?

4. Does our country's current economic situation concern you? Why?

Thank you SOOOOOO much!!


PinkKatelynn said...

1. If you could ask God to do ANYTHING for you, what would it be?
To reveal where we should move and what jobs we should seek.

2. If you could do anything for mankind, what would it be?
Provide free education for all children and teens to the age of 18

3. Who has been your biggest inspiration? Why?
My parents for facing trials and heartache with strength and not wavering in their faith in the process.

4. Does our country's current economic situation concern you? Why?
Yes. I have lost my job due to budget cuts and the prospect of finding a job seems daunting.

Jeff and Joy Scott Family said...

1. If you could ask God to do ANYTHING for you, what would it be?

Humility- all the time. I don't mean that I believe I'm conceited (I fake that mostly!), but I believe over-confidence in my ability to minister has gotten in the way of how God wants to use me in ministry. By His strength and for His glory- not mine!

2. If you could do anything for mankind, what would it be?

Convince them to love each other. We are truly lost without love.

3. Who has been your biggest inspiration? Why?

This changes for me depending on my situation. As far as pastors go, my dad is my biggest inspiration. Administrators- my grandfather, mother, and father-in-law. Up and comer- my brother. Politician- Obama. (Snicker, snicker...!)

4. Does our country's current economic situation concern you? Why?

Yes and no. I'm afraid I am unable to answer this question objectively. I still have a job, and so does my wife. We have both received raises during this recession (or whatever it's called) and I've received 2 promotions in the past 10 months. So, from a personal economic perspective, it's hard to be concerned about our country's current situation as far as my personal situation is concerned. However, I am concerned for people like Katelynn and Ryan who are currently looking for A) Direction from God, and B) Jobs. But I know Ryan and Katelynn keep God's will at heart and understand that United States economics are not God's economics. Having perspective like that changes a lot. It is my hope that people in Katelynn and Ryan's church community understand God's economics and step out to help their brother and sister during these challenging times if they need it. Such is the kingdom of heaven...

I'm sorry, were you looking for 1-sentence answers? I don't do 1-sentence answers usually!

Keep up the good blogs!

PS. Luke looks more and more like Chris each day.