Thursday, January 08, 2009

Paper Chains and the Phins

Chris's R&R is coming up soon, so I made a paper chain for the boys to countdown the time! Well, it's mostly for Luke because Will doesn't really understand yet...=) Each night before bed, Luke tears a link off the chain. He knows that we have to go through the whole chain - and when we reach the very last link, Daddy will be here to help him tear it off. Sooooo exciting!!!

I'm already preparing Luke in advance that Daddy will just be home for a visit. I don't want to be a party pooper, but I don't want him to be devastated when Chris has to head back either. So, I figured if I could help Luke understand that "it's just for a visit" before Chris even gets here - it'll help the dreaded departure day go a bit smoother. We'll see how it all pans out!

Even though it is, "just for a visit," we are all super uber excited! =)

On a completely different topic - we were all rooting for the Phins to win last Sunday...but they just couldn't pull it off. Oh least they did better than last year!!=)

As always, more later!

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