I finally have pictures to post…although, after going through them, I was disappointed I didn’t take more. I usually always have my camera close by (which I get legally from my mom.) Unfortunately, I haven’t been feeling well and things have been so crazy busy that I’ve slacked on taking pictures. I’ll post what I have though. =)
Chris had his first day at work yesterday. He was able to meet some of the guys he’d be working with, so that’s good. Luke doesn’t like it that he leaves all day long though. Since I’ve had a lot of issues with my morning sickness lately, Chris has done a lot of taking care of Luke. The good news is that yesterday and today I’ve actually started feeling a bit better. I’m still really nauseous and have to choke back throwing up (sorry if that was TMI,) but yesterday I was able to play with Luke on the floor for awhile (huge improvement) and right now I’m feeling fairly decent. I give all the glory to God and thank those of you who have been praying for us. I am very hopeful that this may be the turning point in my pregnancy. I’m still on the meds of course, but yesterday and today have reminded me that God will bless me and I won’t have to spend this entire pregnancy sicker then sick.
I have my first appointment in Landstuhl next week. This will be only my second OB appointment for Baby Bee. Poor thing, he/she is already being treated like the “second child.” =) I’m really looking forward to hearing the heartbeat and being reassured that the pregnancy is going well. I’m also hoping they’ll schedule my ultrasound soon. With Luke we had already had like 3 ultrasounds by this time. It was reassuring to actually see that everything was ok. I look forward to seeing that with Baby Bee.
Because I have so many pictures, I’ll fill the rest of the blog with those!
I only have a few pictures from the actual trip...I was really slacking here...
Chris and Luke on the airplane...
Eating at German Restaurant (which was actually Italian.)
These next pictures are of our barracks-like apartment...you'll see...=)
This is what you see right when you walk in our door.
Immediately to your right is the bathroom...with a window in the door!
From the first day we moved in, I noticed that the bathroom and the kitchen have a certain smell to them. It's not necessarily a bad smell, but because of my extreme sensitivity to smell, it turns my stomach faster than anything. I think we narrowed it down to the piping in the sinks - at first we thought it was the water, but the shower doesn’t bother me. Needless to say, it makes using the restroom or cooking a meal VERY interesting. We've tried candles and air fresheners, but a sensitive sense of smell can't be fooled.
The tub cracks me up! It's so tall! I'll have to take a picture with one of us standing by it so you can get the feel of how tall it is. Pretty soon, when my belly gets bigger-than-big, I'll need a step ladder to get in!
Continuing down the hall, you will find our kitchen off to your right as well...
Through the kitchen AND the hall, you can get to our dining room and living room.
The dining room and living room are really just one big room. We'll put our table under the hanging light.
The living room side...
A shot of the dining room from the living room...
The two extra bedrooms are on the left side of the hall, and the master bedroom is at the end of the hall...
This will be Luke's room...it's pretty small, but so is he. =)
Here is room number 2. I know it all looks the same, but I'll post pictures once we get it set up with our furniture. This will be the guest room. There should be enough room in here for the queen-sized bed...and that's about it. =)
This is the built-in closet for the guest room...
Here is the master bedroom...
How many built-in closets do we need?! There are 5 in this room! How in the world will I decorate in here???
The hallway taken from the Master bedroom. There is a huge mirror in the hall - Luke loves it!
"Who is that other boy on the other side?!"
The view from the living room...(2 pics)
The view from the kitchen...all the buildings look the same here...all of them...
Enough of our barracks-like apartment. =) I'll post pictures once we get our stuff (which should be here in a month or so!)
Here is a picture of our rental car...
Here is a picture of our rental car and our new used car...our car is the brown one...
Here are some landscape pictures...it might help you see them better if you click on them to enlarge them.
Most of these are taken on our way to Idar-Oberstein...
This is a church built into the mountain...
On the autobahn...
A view of Baumholder...
Ok - on to pictures of Luke!
Luke sleeping in bed at our second hotel room...
The weather is definitely cooler here. We had to buy Luke something other than the sandals he's been wearing. These are such big boy shoes!
He loves his shoes. He'll bring them to us just so he can wear them around the house...
Always in motion...
Luke at the table. The cloth highchair Jenny made for us is great and getting a ton of use! He tries to climb up in the chair all by himself.
We went to Globus (basically a German Home Depot) in Idar-Oberstein a few days ago...Everything was in German and everyone spoke German. There were a few very confusing times when we were trying to communicate, but we managed!
Luke loved riding in the car cart...
Luke loved the curtains in the second hotel room we stayed in. He liked putting them on his head!
At the playground...
And finally, Baby Bee...growing everyday! I think I'm 18 weeks in this picture...
Alright, that was a ton of pictures! I'll post again soon!
I miss you terribly!
Great Pictures!!!!! I think your apartment will be fun to decorate! I can't wait to see what you will do with it. Luke is growing SO much! He is such a big boy now..... We love you - MA
Oh Mindy-
All your pictures just make me miss you more. I can't believe you have a belly already! So cute! Luke is getting so big...he's going to come back and be a teenager :( The scenery looks beautiful and I am so glad you guys are getting the chance to see a little. Your apartment will warm right up once you have the chance to put your personal touch on it. Love you all!
luke looks SO BIG!
that's what I thought when I saw him in pictures.
and you don't look big at all :)
I think the bathroom door with the window and metal handle is my favorite part.
Great pictures! Glad you guys are settling in....Reminds me SO much of our apartment in Korea (They had the built in closets too....) I actually miss those closets now! haha....
You will make it into a beautiful home once your stuff gets there! By the way, you look great pregnant, and I'm looking forward to hearing how your Dr. Appointment goes....
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