Friday, January 08, 2010

Potty Training Day 5:

I am so pleased with how smoothly potty training is going at this point. It’s still a work in progress, but I’m so incredibly relieved that we’re progressing. We had one incident today where he didn’t want to go. I put him on the potty because he was doing the I-gotta-go-potty dance and he went and was fine from then out. Even this morning, we put a diaper on him while he played in the snow (I didn’t want to chance an accident out in the snow…with all the layers and the cold) and he managed to keep his diaper dry. YEEEEHAAAAW!!!!

This evening, I forgot to have him go sit on the potty, and he came and told me he had to go potty. I was so proud of him! He’s doing such a good job! I even allowed him to start wearing his dinosaur big boy underwear today instead of the white training pants. He was really excited about that.

I promised Luke a “Potty Party” when he had done a full week of good-try-really-hard potty training. I think he’ll have it earned by next week! We’ll make him a cake and give him a space shuttle toy I promised him the very first time he started potty training. He’s pretty excited and working towards earning the party.

I’m almost giddy with glee when I think we’ll soon have one child out of diapers! WHOHOOO!


Anonymous said...

Yaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyy! Gma Shotts

Cherry said...

WooHoo! Minners! I'm SOOOO excited for you and Luke!