Monday, January 11, 2010

Potty Training Continues:

Potty training has remained about the same. Luke had an accident while napping yesterday, but has continued to do well with going in the potty. He still has to be encouraged to go sometimes, and other times he tells us he has to go. He is alternating potties now…which is good. Sometimes he’ll go in the little froggy potty, and other times in the “big boy” potty. I think our biggest challenge is getting him to go #2 (using the number system on this for those squeamish about the word poop…whoops, I just said it…) in the potty. We’ve told him that in order to earn his Potty Party (the party we offered him after he had done a full week of really good potty training) he just needs to start going #2 in the potty…once he starts doing that, the party is his!

Also, I thought I would link to this site that contains lots of great potty charts for both boys and girls. We’ve printed and used quite a few of them.

1 comment:

Annie said...

Go Luke!! that is so exciting! I am so happy for you Mindy....what a relief :) Don't worry so much about night/nap time....his body will catch up to his mind soon!

*hugs* I am so happy for you!