Thursday, May 29, 2008

Rice Cereal...

I decided it was time to break out the rice cereal for Will. He’s been nursing like crazy lately. So, I got the box out and started talking to Luke about giving Will some rice ceral. Luke initially thought I was getting him some cereal, so he climbed up in his booster seat. Once he realized it was for Will, he wanted in on the action, so he came and got in my lap to “help” me feed Will.

Will took the cereal fairly well – but didn’t really like the taste of it (though he seemed to like the act of eating.) He made so many different faces – from icky faces to smiles – it was really hard to tell what he was thinking! I let Luke attempt to feed him a few times, and though most of it landed on my lap, he managed to get some in his mouth. It was pretty cute.

TMI warning – in this next paragraph I will be talking about nursing…if that makes you uncomfortable, you may want to skip this paragraph and go to the next one. =)

I will admit I was unexpectedly sad once he started eating. I feel like he’s growing up so fast – is it really time to start giving him food?! He may be a giant, but to me he’s still my little baby. After he ate a bit, I cleaned him up and nursed him. I was very happy when he eagerly wanted to nurse – I love nursing so much and was so glad to see he preferred me over the rice cereal. Now when he gets a taste of real food, he may want to fill up on that instead of what I can offer, but for now, I’m happy he still wants me.

I think I’ll see how the rice cereal sets with him in the evenings for a few weeks, then maybe add some for lunch as well.

Luke seems to be doing much better. I think I’ve become a little paranoid about his health though. Tonight when I was giving him a bath, I noticed his stomach was really distended. I’ve seen his tummy after a huge meal, and it wasn’t nearly anything like it is tonight…and he barley ate supper tonight. So I called the nurse advice line and she reassured me that there was nothing to worry about. I guess I’m just a little paranoid after all the problems we’ve had lately…=)

Alrighty – it’s getting late and I’m quite tired. Here are some pics – enjoy!

The time has come!

"mmmm, mommy is finally going to let me have some food..."

"...this is so exciting - bring on the food!"

"...NASTY! nasty food - yucky..."

"...wait, maybe it's ok...

" - no, it's not ok..."

"...then again - it is very interesting..."

"Maybe if big brother gives me some..."

"...maybe I could get used to this eating thing afterall..."

Luke wanted to taste some of the rice cereal..."yucky" was his input!

Look at those teeth!

"...can we nurse now mommy?"


Anonymous said...

How cute!!! Thanks for taking the time and energy to take these precious pics and post them for us!!!!! I feel scrapbooking coming on! MA

Anonymous said...

How cute! Did he sleep any better after he had the RC?

I love that Luke helps feed him!!

Love you guys!


Rae said...

Oh how I love those faces! So precious.