Sunday, May 25, 2008

The curse continues...

So the “sick curse” continues. Luke woke up from his nap and threw up everywhere. He’s been throwing up all afternoon and evening. Poor fellow! He’s finally resting and has gone over an hour without throwing up…so hopefully that’s a good sign. These poor kids just can’t catch a break. If you think of it, please say a prayer for Luke’s recovery and that Will, MeMe and I don’t catch this virus.

MeMe is leaving tomorrow, which we’re all sad about. =( It’s been such a blessing having her here! Thanks for coming Mom Judy!

Alrighty, off to tend to my sickhouse.


Barb said...

Feel better soon Luke! Stay healthy Mndy, Luke and Judy.

I think you need to move out of that apartment...but until then, take care of yourselves and know we're thinking healthy, loving thoughts for all of you.

Dan, Barb and Max

P.S. Can't wait until you make it to Maryland. We'll drive out to see you, meet Will and introduce Max just as soon as you'll let us.

Lorie said...

I've put your family's name on the prayer chain at church.
May He bring healing and health to all of you soon!