Monday, May 11, 2009

He misses his Daddy

A few weeks ago, I took this video of Luke watching the video footage of Chris's R&R homecoming. It's hard to see what Luke is doing here (sorry the video is so dark and huey (if that's even a real word!), the room was dark so you'll have to look close at the bottom of the screen to see where Luke is standing), but at one point he tries to kiss Chris through the screen and then reaches his arms up either for a hug or to be held by daddy. He misses his daddy so much. These two have always had an incredibly close and special bond. They are truly two peas in a pod.

Though Luke has handled the deployment well, it's moments like these that break my heart in half. And yet - though it's very sad - it's also very encouraging. Luke is young - but he has never forgotten how special his daddy is. To see how much he longs to reach through the TV and hug and kiss daddy just goes to show that their bond is stronger than the time they will have spent apart - which when all is said and done will be about 17-18 months.

Thankfully we had R&R and will have a few days together this summer. Then come fall, we'll be back together as a family. How I long for that! Life just seems incredibly incomplete with Chris away.

Anyway, I don't know why I felt like sharing this video tonight, but here it is nonetheless! =)

If you think of it, say a prayer for military families. Especially for those who have been affected by the happenings of today in Baghdad.

I have so much to blog about and lots of pictures to post, but it'll have to wait for another time. It's time for bed!


Monica@DailyDwelling said...

Oh, Mindy, my heart really goes out to you with the extended time you have apart from Chris. I know Luke must miss his Daddy terribly. I am praying for all of you! We miss you so much!

Anonymous said...

Min - Not sure whether that is super cute or super sad. Maybe both? I'm so glad Luke remembers his daddy! And I'm so glad the end of this separation is nearing! We love you guys!


Barb said...

Min, what a bittersweet moment. It's hard to watch your little ones hurt. It's so awesome that you've found many ways for Luke to connect with his Daddy while he's away. That's a testament to your strength and creativity as a mother and a person. You and Chris are always in our prayers. Hugs to all of you.