Sunday, March 22, 2009

This is how we brush our teeth...

Both boys LOVE to brush their teeth. I don't know how long it will last - but I'll take it! =) All you have to say to Will is, "It's time to brush your teeth," and off he takes at lightning speed chattering and squealing with jubilation towards the sink. He'll even climb up on his stool by the sink at random points of the day just hoping I'll pull the toothbrush out for him.

Luke enjoys it as well - and always insists, "let me do it..." Which I do...but I also always brush both of their teeth as well...I'm not sure they do a complete thorough job of it yet. =) But their favorite part is definitely when they get to take the brush and do it themselves.

So, how long do you think it'll last...will I soon be standing over them saying, "If you don't brush your teeth right this minute...." =) Believe me, I'm relishing in their joy of brushing their teeth while it lasts!

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1 comment:

allisonoakleysmith said...

hope this "love" does last for is like "pulling teeth" to get teeth brushed around here...will looks like such a big boy up to the sink! btw, i like the new layout!!! xoxo