Monday, December 03, 2007

Getting Ready

We made a trip to K-town last week to finish up our Christmas shopping (and eat at a Mexican Restaurant =).) I was the lucky one as far as Christmas shopping goes. I told Chris I wanted a new video camera for Christmas since ours was on its last leg. I really wanted to get it before Christmas so we could video tape Christmas morning with Luke – so Chris bought me one while we were at the store. I was SO excited!!! I love the camera we decided on. It’s tiny – and it has its own hard drive. We laughed about it because it was less than half the price we paid for our DVD Cam back in 2003. We used it hard though – so I feel it was worth every penny we paid for it. I feel like I need to make an NMI movie now…I guess I’ll just post some pictures from previous movies to help fill that void…I miss making movies!!

We also started getting things for Baby Bee. I made up a list of what we needed – and thought we should start picking up things here and there. Since we’ll need to get a double stroller, we needed to get a new car seat (to match the brand of the stroller we’re planning to get) – so we picked up the car seat, a coming home outfit for the little guy, a few sleepers, a pack of newborn diapers (so tiny!!!) and a pair of pj’s for me. We also went through Luke’s old clothes and got things out that Baby Bee will be able to use. I need to wash those up sometime this week – and if I’m on a roll – I may even get my hospital bag packed. I still need quite a bit for that, but I’ll just pack and add as I get items. I know there’s no hurry at this point – but I figured it’ll be nice to have these things checked off the list.

I’m 33 ½ weeks along now…so 6 ½ more weeks to go. I don’t have to see the doc again until around Christmas – at 36 weeks. Baby Bee is quite the mover – there are times I think his little arms and legs might actually pop out of my belly! I’m glad he moves so much though – it’s always reassuring to feel him punching and kicking.

Luke has been trying to “share” things with the baby. Just the other day, he put his sippy cup and coloring crayons up to my belly for the “baa-bee.” It was so cute!

Over the last few weeks, Luke has really started to show a lot of progress with talking. He tries to repeat everything we say now. His favorite word is still “Daddy” though. He’s making associations with words and objects now. If he sees Elmo on the TV, he’ll go get his Elmo doll or slippers and point to the TV and say “Mo-Mo!” and then point to his Elmo doll or slippers and say, “Mo-Mo!” Or – he’ll see an angel in his book and point to the top of the Christmas tree. He also thinks a can of soda pop is called “Daddy” as well. In fact, if I attempt to drink a can myself, he wants to take it away from me and give it to Chris. Chris drinks a lot of pop…I mean soda. =)

Chris is back in the field for the next few weeks. When he left in October; Luke didn’t really understand what was going on. This time though he was pretty distraught. I think he realized when Chris carried out all the huge Army bags to the car; it meant he was leaving again. We dropped Chris off – and the second we got back home – he threw the saddest fit ever. He would run up the hall and throw himself on the floor – then run back down the hall and throw himself on the door – screaming and crying the whole time. It broke my heart! It’s times like that you wish you could reason with a toddler – I just wanted him to know it was only going to be for a few weeks. I tried to distract him as quickly as possible – but he continued to throw tantrums the rest of the evening. Finally, I put him to bed early because he had exhausted himself with being upset. He fell asleep almost immediately. He slept well last night, so today he was in a much better mood.

Yesterday we had some really strong winds. It howled non-stop all day long. In fact, we eventually went under a wind advisory. With the wind came some c-c-coold rain. The wind got so bad – that it started blowing the rain through the windows! I walked in the kitchen (without turning on the light) to grab something and stepped in a huge wet cold puddle of water. I turned on the light to see what the source was – and sure enough, it was pouring through our window. I checked our dinning room windows and it was coming through them too – luckily, it didn’t pour over the sills in those. Thankfully, we are slated to have new windows put in this week – so it shouldn’t be a problem much longer.

On to pictures! I found some pics from the Eddie Lombardi movies we made for NMI back at Ft. Riley – so I thought I would post those…=)

Final Scene from "Two Brothers in Argentina.."

From L to R - Lindsey, Cherry, Chris, Bobby, Jenny, Jon (who has been attacked by the rooster and is now on the floor behind the hay bail) Annie and myself.

Annie, Jenny and Jon...and the rooster!

Bobby and Annie

Annie, Jenny, Jon and me - and our imaginary horses..."Fallered! Fallered!? - who'd be fallerin us out here?!"

Chris as Eddie Lombardi - greatest detective there is!

Corey as The Mysterious Stranger..."Now you'll pay Lombardi!" Chris, Cherry and Lindsey cowering in fear...

Lindsey as the Operator..."Please hold..."

Chris as Eddie and Cherry as the Secretary - "Hey Mac, there's some dame here to see ya."

The suave Lombardi

The donut scene - funniest thing I've ever seen in my life!

Blondie - yes, that's me

Corey and Holly as Javier and Dorthy, "Ok class, that’s Kierkegaard’s theory of love in a nutshell. "

And here's a classic - NMI NEWS! Chris, Amber and myself - I always laugh when I see this picture!

I guess I don't have pictures from the other video's/movies we've made at church - so that will have to do for now. =) Here are pics of Luke!

His new favorite place to sit...

Another pic of his monkey costume...

Running around with Daddy's PT hat on his head...

Drinking from a cup at supper tonight...

He LOVED it! He was drenched, but he was so proud of himself!

Baby Bee's coming home outfit...unless we have a surprise and Baby Bee comes out a girl...then Chris will have to run to the store for some pink...

Our finished Christmas Tree...

LOL! This is Luke throwing a tantrum - in the black dress shoes he INSISTED on wearing! I told you he has a shoe fetish!

I pulled Baby Bee's car seat out of the box tonight. Luke immediately climbed in and made himself comfortable. I thought he'd be more interested in the big box it came in - but I guess not.

I hope all is going well for each and every one of you! I'll post again soon!


Teniah Ashlyn said...

Okay, so I confess that I actually broke into hysterical laughter - out loud! - over the little shoe fetish dude....Oh my gosh, that picture of him having a tantrum with blue socks and fancy black shoes was the funniest thing I think I've seen in a LONG time! What a trip!!!!

Also, a side note - are you expecting that Baby Bee is gonna be a BIG boy? (His coming home outfit is SO cute, but in the picture it looked big, so I was just thinking that it looks as if you are expecting that he will fill it out!! haha....) It's SO exciting that you are already at the stage where you are planning his homecoming! I cannot wait!!!

Anonymous said...

Congrats on the productive shopping trip!!! Your pictures of Luke are so precious too!

Amber said...

Oh my word...I can't believe you still have that pic of us as the news team! That is hilarious. I do miss our crazy videos, but more I miss the all day tapings. So much fun. Too funny! Love you guys!

Sarah said...

Yay! I didn't realize that this was the same website. I was sad that you were unable to come, but understood. The photographer's pictures will be up very soon and I will send them your way!

P.S Luke is getting way too cute.