This is the question I have been meaning to answer for many of you for weeks now. I'll try to spare you the long list of details, but in short, we are moving again! The job Chris took in New Jersey a few months ago, transitioned into a full time position in Maryland. Chris has been at his new job for a little over a month now, and we are within days of closing on a home. So, we will be saying "goodbye" to our New Jersey apartment next week and saying "hello" to our new home in Maryland. Thankfully, this move should be more permanent.
As we wait for closing day, the boys and I have joined Chris...which means we've been living in a hotel for the last week. Before that we had an enjoyable extended visit with Chris' family. The time is near for this transition to finally be complete. After we close (praying for Wednesday) we will make a quick trip to New Jersey where we will load up a Uhaul and turn in our apartment keys. Once we unpack that load, we'll then make a trip to our storage unit and load up another Uhaul with the rest of our household goods. These will be the items we haven't seen since we lived in Germany! It'll be nice to finally get all of our stuff under one roof...of course that means we have to get our storage items delivered from Georgia...and I think we still have stuff stored at my parents house too. Life in the Army (even after you've gotten out) sometimes means having your belongings spread clear across the USA!
I cannot even begin to express to you how excited we are. For one, Chris has found a secure job. After struggling to find employment in this economy for months, it is a HUGE blessing to finally feel secure in a job again. The new job is basically the same work as he was doing in NJ, but instead of working as a contractor, he's now working for the government.
We are also very excited to be buying our own home. We have always lived on post or rented, so being able to have a house that is ours is a big deal. The restrictions of rental properties are gone! Yehawww! Of course, now we need to dig out the tools since we are solely responsible for our own repairs!
Though there has been plenty of stress and some hiccups in the whole house buying process, we love love love the house! I thank God that we found it! It was no easy feat to find a house with this much space in our price range, but God provided! It's move-in ready and is located in a nice little community. It's a bit of a drive to where Chris works, but it's a doable commute.
Here's a picture I snapped when we were at the house for the home inspection. I have more on facebook if you want to check out the inside.

There is so much more to share about this move, but my kiddo is having a meltdown so I'm going to have to sign off for now. More to come!